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Magnesium industry group Yinhui Juqi River's shore to look forward to a new era! DZ-United is helping China's magnesium industry!

Date: 2018-01-01 Source: DZ-United

On December 19th, China (Hebi) Magnesium Industry Development Open Cooperation Seminar and Magnesium Application New Product and New Technology Conference was held in Hebi City. The theme of the conference was “Magnesium in Hebi, making weight loss for China!”. The session was co-sponsored by the Henan Provincial Industry and Information Technology Commission, the Henan Provincial Defense Science and Technology Industry Bureau, the Hebi Municipal People's Government, and the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association Magnesium Branch.

Former Lanzhou Military Commander Li Yuyuan, General Manager of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association Magnesium Branch Lin Ruhai, Chinese Academy of Engineering Academician He Jili, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chongqing Science and Technology Research Institute Director, National Magnesium Alloy Materials Engineering Technology Center Director Pan Fusheng, China Automotive Gao Hesheng, deputy director of the Technical Research Center, Nie Chunshan, deputy director of the Henan Provincial Industry and Information Technology Committee, Chen Jingru, deputy director of the Henan Provincial Defense Science and Technology Bureau, Xu Jinxiang, honorary president of the Magnesium Branch, Fan Xiufang, secretary of the Hebi Municipal Committee, and Guo Hao, acting mayor, attended the opening ceremony.

In his speech, President Lin Ruhai introduced the development status of China's magnesium industry, and pointed out that in recent years, the magnesium industry in Hebi City has made remarkable progress and achieved remarkable results. It has become an important gathering place for China's magnesium industry, forming a relatively complete process based on processing. The industrial chain has been at the forefront of the industry in terms of magnesium powder, magnesium alloy and rod ingots, and has become the largest magnesium powder production and processing base in China and even in the world. At the same time, Hebi has the only national-level magnesium and magnesium alloy product quality supervision and inspection center. Hebi Vocational and Technical College is the earliest institution engaged in vocational skills education in magnesium industry and established magnesium smelting specialty. Recently, Hebi plans to focus on the development of the magnesium industry in areas such as magnesium alloy forged wheels and other areas with great development potential, and the development space will be further expanded. This conference is an industry event that integrates industry exchanges, seminars and economic and trade negotiations. It is also an important carrier to promote the integration of production, education and research in the fields of automobiles and electronic information. The China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association Magnesium Branch will cherish opportunities. We will not give up our mission, give full play to the functions of communication, coordination and management of industry associations, comprehensively strengthen the construction of technological innovation system based on the research and development and application of magnesium metal materials, and continue to support the development of Hebi magnesium industry in the future work, in an effort to promote China's magnesium industry. Development makes a greater contribution.


In his speech, Mayor Guo Hao pointed out that in recent years, Hebi City has attached great importance to the development of magnesium deep processing industry, insisting on combining large-scale and upgrading levels, grasping high-end and grasping terminals, highlighting technology leadership, high-end breakthroughs, and giving full play to high-grade, The advantages of high-reserve dolomite mines rely on Henan Magnesium Co., Ltd. and other enterprises to promote the development of high-quality magnesium and magnesium alloy end products, forming a large-scale and well-known brand. At present, efforts are being made to build an important magnesium deep processing production base in the country, and to create a "China Magnesium Valley" with "soul". The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party has brought new opportunities for the development of the magnesium industry. Leaders, experts and entrepreneurial friends gathered in Hebi, and carried out extensive cooperation negotiations, discussions and exchanges around the development of the magnesium industry, which will definitely play a role in the development of China's magnesium industry. The important driving role will also have a positive and far-reaching impact on the Hebi magnesium industry to a higher level. I sincerely hope that everyone will speak freely and make suggestions and jointly promote the magnesium industry to become bigger and stronger. I sincerely hope that the elites of the industry will walk more and look at Hebi, look for business opportunities, invest in the industry and achieve a win-win situation.


Hu Run, deputy mayor of Hebi City, made a presentation on the market and introduced the magnesium deep processing industry.


At the meeting, the municipal government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association Magnesium Branch and the National Magnesium Alloy Materials Engineering Technology Research Center. Hebi National Economic and Technological Development Zone and Henan Wilkem Company produce 50,000 tons of new magnesium-based materials and 1 million magnesium alloy automobile wheel projects, Henan Magnesium Co., Ltd. and Beijing Junsheng Mingshi Logistics Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. Magnesium alloy extrusion sheet production demonstration base project signed by the packaging production base project, the urban and rural integration demonstration zone and the Chongqing Kesaibang Technology Co., Ltd. magnesium alloy wheel hub industrial park project, Henan Magnesium Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Xichuang Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Henan, Meimei Special Magnesium Co., Ltd. and Beijing Wanfeng Technology Co., Ltd. signed a magnesium-aluminum alloy recycling and magnesium-aluminum alloy building formwork production project, Hebi Boda Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. and Wuxi Shangge Industrial Design Co., Ltd. signed a joint venture to establish Henan Significant projects such as Dachang Industrial Co., Ltd. were signed at the same time.


After the opening ceremony, experts such as He Jilin, Pan Fusheng, Gao Hesheng, Yue Shengli, Cao Jianyong and other people from the business circles gave a report on the conference. The topics focused on scientific and technological innovation to lead the scientific development of magnesium industry, new progress in magnesium alloy materials and processing technology, magnesium metal The application of lightweight vehicles and the development trend of new energy vehicles, capital assistance industry, the opening of "magnesium" era, the application prospects of magnesium alloys in new energy vehicles.





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