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The final solution of magnesium battery technology

Date: 2019-01-07 Source: DZ-United

The stagnation of battery technology has become the biggest bottleneck for limiting the variety of products. Whether it is a smartphone or an electric car user, it will face the problem of battery life anxiety. Whether it is mobile equipment, hybrid or electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries are currently the most mainstream solution, although in terms of actual performance, performance does not make us very satisfied.

Although researchers have not yet invented a new technology that can be commercially promoted, as the world's number one car manufacturer, Toyota has also begun to "break the heart" of battery technology, Toyota said that magnesium can make batteries It's smaller, longer lasting and more durable, and has the potential to be used in both smartphones and the automotive world! ! !

Magnesium is more stable than lithium, so this means that it can be used more inside the battery, and it can make the battery more capacity. The fluctuation of metal lithium needs to be embedded in the graphite rod to make the battery work normally, and if the lithium is reduced. The amount of material used, in contrast, to conserve energy is also reduced.

However, magnesium also has its own problems. First of all, there is no electrolyte suitable for magnesium metal. Usually liquid electrolyte. Usually, liquid electrolyte is the medium for electron transfer between the two stages of the battery. It also converts the chemical energy inside the battery into Electrical energy.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop different types of energy storage technologies. Toyota's chemical engineers have shown that hydrogen can be used as a material for preserving lithium ions. Toyota is now very mature in hybrid technology, so it has arrived. Actively develop the stage of hydrogen fuel cells.

Of course, like any new research, Toyota's research is just in its infancy, and there is still a long way to go between the lab and the actual commercial. Toyota has already admitted that it wants to apply magnesium to the battery field. And to reach the hands of consumers, at least 20 years.


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