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The final solution of magnesium battery technology

The stagnation of battery technology has become the biggest bottleneck for limiting the variety of products. Whether it is a smartphone or an electric car user, it will face the problem of battery life anxiety. Whether it is mobile equipment, hybrid or electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries are currently the most mainstream solution, although in terms of actual performance, performance does not make us very satisfied.Although researchers have not yet invented a new technology that can be commercially promoted, as the world's number one car manufacturer, Toyota has also begun to "break the heart" of battery technology, Toyota said that magnesium can make batteries It's smaller, longer lasting and more durable, and has the potential to be used in both smartphones and the automotive world! ! !Magnesium is more stable than lithium, so this means that it can be used more inside the battery, and it can make the battery more capacity. The fluctuation of metal lithium needs to be embedded in the graphite rod to make the battery work normally, and if the lithium is reduced. The amount of material used, in contrast, to conserve energy is also reduced.However, magnesium also has its own problems. First of all, there is no electrolyte suitable for magnesium metal. Usually liquid electrolyte. Usually, liquid electrolyte is the medium for electron transfer between the two stages of the battery. It also converts the chemical energy inside the battery into Electrical energy.To solve this problem, it is necessary to develop different types of energy storage technologies. Toyota's chemical engineers have shown that hydrogen can be used as a material for preserving lithium ions. Toyota is now very mature in hybrid technology, so it has arrived. Actively develop the stage of hydrogen fuel cells.Of course, like any new research, Toyota's research is just in its infancy, and there is still a long way to go between the lab and the actual commercial. Toyota has already admitted that it wants to apply magnesium to the battery field. And to reach the hands of consumers, at least 20 years.


Under the dual pressure of cost and sales, the Fugu Magnesium Factory reduced production again this week!

According to the latest news in the market, the ferrosilicon price of large-scale manufacturers in the northwest region continued to increase, with an increase of 1,000 yuan/ton, and the price of ferrosilicon 72# was 12,800 yuan/ton including factory acceptance. The price of ferrosilicon 75# was 13,000 yuan/ton. .Since December, not only the price of ferrosilicon has skyrocketed, but other raw materials for magnesium metal production, such as dolomite, solvent, magnesium chloride, fluorite, and even rock wool and sulfur powder, have risen in price due to the shortage of spot stocks in winter. , so that the original magnesium production costs remain high. According to the current price of ferrosilicon of 9,500 yuan, the original magnesium cost is still at a high level of over 18,000, and the magnesium plant has a serious loss. In addition, the current magnesium ingot market is weak, and the wait-and-see mood is serious. The magnesium plant is in a dilemma. Under the weight of the double pressure of cost and sales, some magnesium plants in Fugu began to reduce production twice. It is understood that manufacturers that reduce production by more than 50% are: Tianyu, Jin Wantong, Tianlong, Xintian, Huashun, Founder, Zhongxin, Dongxin, Wanxin. The remaining magnesium plants also have different levels of production cuts. The original production in the Fugu area was about 1,400 tons per day. Due to the rising factors of raw materials such as ferrosilicon, the current daily output of the Fugu area is less than 900 tons per day.The Fugu Magnesium Association has learned through research that the current inventory of magnesium ingots is less than 15,000 tons. Due to the implementation of the production reduction strategy in most enterprises, there is no significant increase in inventory. At present, the mainstream price of the Fugu market includes taxed cash of 15,500 yuan / ton, including tax acceptance of 15,800 yuan / ton, the number of transactions is not large. It is related to the wait-and-see attitude of the purchaser, but it is not ruled out that the magnesium factory is reluctant to sell because of the serious cost. In the current magnesium market, the magnesium plant suffered a serious loss and its operating conditions were worrying. If the magnesium price remains unchanged, unless the price of ferrosilicon falls below 7,000 yuan. If the price of ferrosilicon is still firm at more than 9,000 yuan / ton, if the price of magnesium ingots does not reach 17,000 yuan / ton, some magnesium plants have made the worst plans, and are planning to cut production again or even completely stop production to reduce losses.


Converting furnace exhaust into heat

The waste gas generated during the high-temperature smelting process is converted into heat energy for office and daily use through a set of waste heat recovery devices, which can be used for heating and using hot water for hundreds of people. On January 19th, the reporter learned in Fuyang Meilixin Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as the company) that the waste heat recovery unit can save the company 1 million yuan per year.As an auto parts manufacturer, Meritor's products include engine blocks, automatic transmission housings, etc. The main raw materials for these products are aluminum ingots. Wang Minghu, the company's equipment minister, said that only when the temperature of the furnace is raised to more than 800 degrees Celsius, the solid aluminum material can be melted. It is understood that in many enterprises, the residual heat of the furnace is discharged into the air along with dust and smoke. “We developed and designed a waste heat recovery device at the end of the furnace to convert the high-temperature evaporated waste into thermal energy for office and living,” said Wang Minghu.On the morning of January 19, the reporter saw in the company's die-casting workshop that the workers placed a car of aluminum into the elevator next to the furnace, waiting for the system to automatically transport the aluminum material to the furnace. The company has four furnaces, each with a waste heat recovery unit. In the small attic next to the die-casting workshop, the reporter saw that one of the waste heat recovery devices was connected to the furnace on one side and the water circulation system on the other, and the isolated dust and ash were collected centrally. Wang Minghu said that the hot air left by the waste heat recovery device will enter the water circulation system. "The company's winter heating and the use of hot water for more than 500 employees all year round have been solved."The reporter then went to the company's staff quarters, free to unscrew a faucet, touch the water temperature, and found it to be hot. Liu Hongxia, an employee of the company's logistics department, said: "The company supplies hot water 24 hours a day, whether it is working water or going back to the bedroom after work, and turning on the faucet with hot water." "Not only the full use of energy, but also achieved Zero emissions.” Wang Minghu said that if the company's production capacity increases in the future, it can also increase the income of the company by erecting pipes to transfer excess heat energy to surrounding residential communities.Wang Minghu told reporters that the burn rate of the company is about 2% lower than that of other companies in the same industry. “When the waste heat recovery unit is put into use, the company’s carbon dioxide emissions are reduced, and the amount of natural gas required for furnace combustion is The month has also decreased by 2%."


Annual event of the foundry industry | 2017 China Foundry Week

China Foundry Week began in 2000 and has been organized in Dalian, Yangzhou, Nanchang, Nanjing, Shenyang, Xi'an, Wuhan, Wuxi, Weihai, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Jinan, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Chengdu and other places. Academic and technical exchanges, top honors, scientific and technological achievements trading negotiations, corporate management lecture halls, casting procurement matching services, economic and trade cooperation and other integrated platforms have become the annual event of China's foundry industry.Since its founding, China Foundry Week has been dedicated to serving experts, scholars and foundry workers in academic exchanges, disseminating advanced technologies, practical results and information, enabling companies to obtain solutions to key issues such as management, production and technology. Understand the current development of the industry, look forward to the development prospects of the industry, and conduct economic and trade negotiations. China Foundry Week has played a vital role in promoting the development and progress of China's foundry industry. It has developed into a high-end academic exchange platform that is shared by the global foundry workers, and has been rated as the “Most of the Year” by the China Society of Mechanical Engineering. Impact Integrated Activity Platform."The 2017 China Foundry Week will be held at the Suzhou International Expo Center on November 14-17. The conference will invite experts and scholars from the United States, Britain, Japan, Germany, India and other countries to discuss the industry development status, cutting-edge technology and market trends. Foundry workers understand the status quo of foreign foundry industry, expand overseas new markets, and develop excellent opportunities for international cooperation and exchanges. The organizers sincerely invited the foundry workers to come to the meeting and actively contribute, and sincerely invite relevant units to actively organize the exhibition.Thematic exchanges (including but not limited to the following topics):1. International Foundry Technology Forum (foreign industry status, cutting-edge technology, market development trends, etc.)2. Cast steel topic (the development path of the cast steel industry under the new situation, etc.)3. Cast iron topic (improvement of the processing performance of cast iron machine, environmental treatment of lost foam casting exhaust gas, etc.)4. Casting materials topic (application of casting raw and auxiliary materials in non-ferrous alloy casting, recycling of old sand recycling, etc.)5. Computer application technology and 3D printing topics (application of intelligent manufacturing in casting, etc.)6. Non-ferrous alloys and special casting technology topics (casting lightweight, titanium alloy casting technology research, etc.)Conference essay:Scope of the essay: new theories, new ideas, new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, and a review of the development of the foundry industry.Essay requirements:1. The content of the thesis must have not been published in domestic and foreign journals or collections. The paper does not exceed 6,000 words in principle.2. The paper is submitted in Word format. The table in the text uses a three-line table. The photo should be attached with the original or scanned file.3. The content of the paper should be complete and should include Chinese and English topics, Chinese and English abstracts, keywords, texts, conclusions and references.4. Author information should include a first author profile, a detailed mailing address, and a telephone and email address.The 2017 China Foundry Exhibition, which is based on the new upgrade of China Foundry Week, utilizes overseas exhibition resources, media and associations to jointly promote and promote Chinese foundry companies and further open up the international market. At the same time, it will use the domestic industry mainstream media and new media to spread coverage.


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